When you're on your own, maybe you need organization even more than when you're part of a team. PostLab takes you by the hand and handles all files and assets for you. Focus on delivering what you're being paid for, instead of losing time getting organized.
Think of PostLab as your central nervous system for your creative work. Manage your project files from a single place and work seamlessly across any system you have, whether it's your laptop, desktop, edit room, or even temporary collaborators.
Multi-Editor Teams
Ever heard of graph theory? Add x people to your team, and you'll run into 2^x as many problems. Whether your video team is in the office, remote, or hybrid, PostLab takes the hassle of team coordination out of your hands. Without anyone having to think about relinking, naming conventions, emailing latest versions or forgettingh to tell someone about that change you made, life becomes very pleasant.
And for Final Cut Pro teams, Event Locking will surely rock your world. Trust us, it's a transformative editing experience.
Production Companies
We live in an age of fast turnaround, small teams, and clients who really don't want to hear excuses around why you can't make something happen for them. Everyone on your team likes to work differently and organizes their work in a different way, and quite likely in a different timezone too.
Working with PostLab will save your team's sanity in this crazy world we live in, never losing a file or media again.
Content Creators
Many modern creators shoot heaps of footage, produce a lot of content, and often churn out a lot of different versions for all the platforms and formats they publish on.
With PostLab, this becomes a breeze; it's super easy to locate that edit from last year, jump back and forth between versions, never having to think about media management.